As part of the 3-year Strategic Plan approved by the Embracing Arlington Arts Board of Directors, the organization is releasing its 2024 version of the “one-stop” library of scientific and peer-reviewed studies about the health benefits of the arts on various community sectors (medically disabled, physically disabled, students/children, seniors and Veterans). The goal is to create one specific web page where visitors can obtain recent information on the benefits for each sector. No studies or data cited will be more than 5 years old.
The Board members launched this initiative because researchers and interested parties currently have to search through scores of different websites to find this information, and many of the resources found are more than 10 years old. We want to make it easier for potential donors, corporate sponsors, media representatives, government leaders, and anyone with an interest in this data to find multitudes of information about how each sector benefits from each separate art therapy genre (dance, music, theater/drama and visual arts). If you want to submit a study for inclusion, please send the website url to
DISCLAIMER: This website is not all inclusive but only represents a small number of the studies available. Every effort was made to confirm that only peer-reviewed studies were included.